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What is your religion/belief?
Sep 4 2009, 3:55 am
By: Madroc
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What is your main religion/belief?
What is your main religion/belief?
Answer Votes Percentage % Voters
Christianity 21
Judaism 1
Buddhism 1
Hinduism 0
Islam 1
Muslim 0
Chinese Traditional 1
Primal Indigenous 1
Atheism 23
Agnostic 16
Other 10
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Poll has 75 votes. You can vote for at most 1 option(s).

Feb 18 2010, 1:51 am Wing Zero Post #201

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo

Quote from dumbducky
Quote from Wing Zero
Quote from dumbducky
Quote from Wing Zero
Changing the topic Ftw!

Quote from Syphon
Roman Catholicism is the original Christianity.

Actually Christian Orthodox is, I forgot the reason for the split though.

EDIT: Well I tried...
No, the were one and the same. Prior to the schism, Christians didn't call themselves Christian Orthodox or Catholics. The schism is the reason the names exist. The Great Schism

You are right they WERE one and the same, however after the schism the western (catholic) church changed its principles and practices while the eastern (orthodox) church didn't change anything but its name. What I'm trying to say is the eastern orthodox church is still the original Christian church albeit with a different name. This means that Roman catholicism branched off of the original religion which eventually led to other religions branching off of it.
You are sadly mistaken if you believe eastern orthodox churches are exactly the same as early churches.

Can we argue that the current version of starcraft is not really the original starcraft because Blizzard has issued patches that changed the game?

As soon as I get to my comp I will draw a makeshift timeline just for you.

Feb 18 2010, 2:00 am Hercanic Post #202

STF mod creator, admin, staff

Quote from name:Heather Graham
And Hercanic I was going to PM you this but you're out of PM space: I'm Vrael :) disbelief is the negative "dis" + belief. That's all I meant by negative.

Yeah, I noticed and corrected the problem just prior to you posting. Heidi and Heather, both beginning with He and having blonde hair, it's confusing. Plus, I remember you being straightfaced in Serious Discussion, so all the "Lols" made me think of Corbo. As for my inbox space, joy! I see the limit has been dropped down to 150 and I have 238 messages.

Quote from name:Heather Graham
I don't understand the importance of the rest of what you've said, sorry.

My reply to your post, the whole of my posts in here, or both?

Feb 18 2010, 2:26 am Hercanic Post #203

STF mod creator, admin, staff

Quote from dumbducky
There is no God is the corollary to I don't believe in God. If you agree with the latter then you believe in the former. If you believe in the former then you agree with the latter. If you do either one but not the other, you are completely illogical.

It is a one-way corollary, not both.

Quote from Hercanic
... a person born free of religious influences and who has never given thought to the existence of gods is by definition an atheist.

Quote from Hercanic
... Statements like "God does not exist" imply a lack of belief, but go one step further by making an assertion about the universe.

An atheist can therefore believe God doesn't exist, or they may hold no such belief because it is unquantifiable.

Think of it this way: Belief in God/gods is =1, lack of belief is =0, and the belief that gods do not exist =-1.

Feb 18 2010, 2:34 am Vrael Post #204

Plus, I remember you being straightfaced in Serious Discussion, so all the "Lols" made me think of Corbo.

I'm of the opinion that certain people in here take these internet discussions waaaaaaaaaaaaay too seriously. These folks aren't here to learn or grow in some way, they're here to force their views on others for who-knows-what-reasons. In SD, however, it's my job to be uniform and consistent.

My reply to your post, the whole of my posts in here, or both?
The reasons for which you highlighted some extra material in my post, and the point you were trying to make by doing that. It really doesn't matter if you say "belief there is no god" or "lack of belief in god," they are the same thing. The only case where they could mean different things is if some person were raised on Mars or in an african jungle or something and had never heard of god, then he would have a lack of belief in god but he might not necessarily believe there is no god, just because he's never believed anything about the entire subject, never thought or heard about it. But to any normal person from earth, "belief in no god" "disbelief in god" "lack of belief in god" "absence of belief in god" are all the same.


Feb 18 2010, 2:50 am CecilSunkure Post #205

I'm thinking this mega semantics argument is missing something. To have a lack of belief does not always mean a disbelief. A lack of belief just means that you have less belief in something, when compared to someone else that has more belief than you.

I can be 75% sure that god exists while my friend is 100% sure that god exists. I could be considered one with a lack of belief, but I wouldn't consider a 75% certainty in the existence of a god an atheist. Atheism would be both a lack of belief and a belief in the absence of god, whereas simply a lack of belief doesn't necessarily qualify as a belief in the absence of god. This is more of a scenario of squares and rectangles; not all rectangles are squares, but all squares are rectangles.

So one cannot say that Atheism is not a belief, because it is. The definitions that Vrael went and found both included ones that talked about a lack of belief, and a belief in the absence of god. This is because atheism is both, whereas a simple lack of belief is not always the same as a belief in the lack thereof.

Oh, and to that C.S. Lewis quote, I actually don't agree with it. If a god were infinite, then he wouldn't be confined to the limits of logic and sense. If a god were infinite, then our finite selves shouldn't be able to comprehend all that god is capable of. I would say that this is exemplified when non-sensical statements are made with the prefix of "God can". Just because these nonsensical statements can be made doesn't mean that they show a limit to the hypothetical infiniteness of god, I would say that they just show a limit of our understanding.

But of course, these non-sensical statements might just not be making any sense at all, and as such might just mean nothing. If that is the case, then I think C.S. Lewis sounds like he is applying limits to god in ways I don't agree with, and that he should have made this necessary distinction.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Feb 18 2010, 2:55 am by Cervantes. Reason: Added C.S. Lewis retort.


Feb 18 2010, 2:57 am Wing Zero Post #206

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo

Quote from Wing Zero
As soon as I get to my comp I will draw a makeshift timeline just for you.

You are sooooo lucky Ts 1.6 came out :P

Feb 18 2010, 3:07 am MasterJohnny Post #207
I like how that site explains how atheism does not require faith.
The theist presents the idea of god or gods and if it is unacceptable to the atheist then you will remain atheist until you find a concept that is acceptable.

I am a Mathematician

Feb 18 2010, 3:29 am Vrael Post #208

If a god were infinite, then he wouldn't be confined to the limits of logic and sense. If a god were infinite, then our finite selves shouldn't be able to comprehend all that god is capable of. I would say that this is exemplified when non-sensical statements are made with the prefix of "God can". Just because these nonsensical statements can be made doesn't mean that they show a limit to the hypothetical infiniteness of god, I would say that they just show a limit of our understanding.
I think you mean if a god were omnipotent**
But the real point is, who are you to say what an omnipotent god can or can't do? It goes for C.S.Lewis as well, he and you have no basis for estimating the powers or lack of powers of an omnipotent God. Sure you can make guesses, as C.S.Lewis has done, but until you've experienced what God can and cannot do, any guess you make is as good as my guess that God is actually watching the universe on a giant TV screen laughing his ass* off at us for our stupidity.

*or whatever the divine equivelent of a gluteous maximus is.


Feb 18 2010, 3:45 am dumbducky Post #209

Quote from Hercanic
Quote from dumbducky
There is no God is the corollary to I don't believe in God. If you agree with the latter then you believe in the former. If you believe in the former then you agree with the latter. If you do either one but not the other, you are completely illogical.

It is a one-way corollary, not both.

Quote from Hercanic
... a person born free of religious influences and who has never given thought to the existence of gods is by definition an atheist.

Quote from Hercanic
... Statements like "God does not exist" imply a lack of belief, but go one step further by making an assertion about the universe.

An atheist can therefore believe God doesn't exist, or they may hold no such belief because it is unquantifiable.

Think of it this way: Belief in God/gods is =1, lack of belief is =0, and the belief that gods do not exist =-1.


Feb 18 2010, 4:12 am EzDay281 Post #210

So you're saying you were wrong about there not being a digital camera on my desk? Since, presumably, you didn't believe there is one there.


Feb 18 2010, 4:14 am CecilSunkure Post #211

Quote from dumbducky
Quote from Hercanic
Quote from dumbducky
There is no God is the corollary to I don't believe in God. If you agree with the latter then you believe in the former. If you believe in the former then you agree with the latter. If you do either one but not the other, you are completely illogical.

It is a one-way corollary, not both.

Quote from Hercanic
... a person born free of religious influences and who has never given thought to the existence of gods is by definition an atheist.

Quote from Hercanic
... Statements like "God does not exist" imply a lack of belief, but go one step further by making an assertion about the universe.

An atheist can therefore believe God doesn't exist, or they may hold no such belief because it is unquantifiable.

Think of it this way: Belief in God/gods is =1, lack of belief is =0, and the belief that gods do not exist =-1.
There is a middle ground buddy. Belief <--> Lack of Belief (Uncertainty) <--> Disbelief

I tried to point this out earlier, maybe you missed my post? Rawr.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Feb 18 2010, 4:17 am by Cervantes. Reason: Fataly mistyped stuff.


Feb 18 2010, 4:47 am MasterJohnny Post #212

Quote from Falkoner
The theist presents the idea of god or gods and if it is unacceptable to the atheist then you will remain atheist until you find a concept that is acceptable.

This is probably what makes Atheism such a sad faith to me, because it is simply the faith that the vast majority of the world's faith is wrong, what kind of negative ideology is that?!
First Atheism does not use faith. Read the link.
Second how would that be different than any other faith? If you are (place faith here) you don't think the other vast majority of the world's faith is right.
Its not like one religion is very supportive of another.

I am a Mathematician

Feb 18 2010, 5:12 am Dapperdan Post #213

Dear Hercanic,

I agree with you. I think you've made it clear as possible many times. People here just don't seem to understand language very well. Vrael gets it but he just doesn't seem to be making certain concessions about the relevance of your point.

Let me try just once to put it this way... in an attempt to show the difference between an absence of belief in God, and the belief that there is no God.

If I say "There is no God" then it is analogous to saying "There is a God" It is making a definite assertion about something that (for our purposes) cannot be proven. (i believe i am safe in saying faith is involved)

If I say "I don't believe in God" then it is not necessarily expressing that i believe there is no god. I can also "I don't believe there is no God." This line of thinking - lack of belief - is acting on uncertainty. I'm done.

(what i'm mostly focusing on here is a difference between agnosticism and atheism. i was not addressing the idea of people who have never considered the idea of god.)


Feb 18 2010, 5:24 am Vrael Post #214

If I say "I don't believe in God" then it is not necessarily expressing that i believe there is no god.

Maybe I'm being stupid, but yes it does? What else could it mean? If someone's uncertain as to whether or not God exists or doesn't exist, then his believes he may exist, but I'm having a difficult time finding your point here, can you elaborate?


Feb 18 2010, 6:03 am EzDay281 Post #215

Maybe I'm being stupid, but yes it does? What else could it mean? If someone's uncertain as to whether or not God exists or doesn't exist, then his believes he may exist,
Belief that something necessarily does, or belief that something necessarily does not, exist is exclusive to belief that something might or might not exist. Ergo, one who believes maybe cannot believe in the existence of something; ergo, one does not believe it.


Feb 18 2010, 6:10 am CecilSunkure Post #216

Quote from EzDay281
Maybe I'm being stupid, but yes it does? What else could it mean? If someone's uncertain as to whether or not God exists or doesn't exist, then his believes he may exist,
Belief that something necessarily does, or belief that something necessarily does not, exist is exclusive to belief that something might or might not exist. Ergo, one who believes maybe cannot believe in the existence of something; ergo, one does not believe it.
Ah, you hit it. Although, you didn't mention a lack of belief in something having the ability to fall into either of the two categories (certainty/uncertainty). Yeah, I just wanted to clarify this and swerve things back towards my post that so many people seem to be ignoring, except for a tiny bit where Vrael responded to a part.


Feb 18 2010, 7:06 am fat_flying_pigs Post #217

is anyone else Ignostic?


Feb 18 2010, 7:10 am Dapperdan Post #218

Quote from fat_flying_pigs
is anyone else Ignostic?

I've never heard of it. But I just looked it up real quick. Seems to have some merit. I like it. I usually default to saying I'm agnostic nowadays (at least when i'm thinking about it), but i'm really more just open to anything. I'm glad you brought this up.


Feb 18 2010, 7:17 am MasterJohnny Post #219

Quote from fat_flying_pigs
is anyone else Ignostic?
I just wiki it and I can't really tell how it is different from weak atheism. Explain?

I am a Mathematician

Feb 18 2010, 7:55 am Vrael Post #220

I'm still not getting the belief stuff you guys are talking about, but it doesn't seem that important anymore since no one's making any points that rely on it.

I'll talk with you cecil :)
Quote from name:cecil
If a god were infinite, then he wouldn't be confined to the limits of logic and sense. If a god were infinite, then our finite selves shouldn't be able to comprehend all that god is capable of. I would say that this is exemplified when non-sensical statements are made with the prefix of "God can". Just because these nonsensical statements can be made doesn't mean that they show a limit to the hypothetical infiniteness of god, I would say that they just show a limit of our understanding.
If you mean omnipotent, and not infinite, this part of the discussion changes quite a bit. Do you mean omnipotent?


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